Chemical Inventory Management
Chemical Inventory Management
LabCup’s chemical inventory module provides complete and scalable chemical tracking
This includes everything from using chemicals and chemical samples, SDS management, safety officer oversight, chemical waste disposal and more.
Every chemical is uniquely tracked by barcode, QR code, RFID etc.
As much information as possible is automatically sourced for each chemical, including all synonyms, structure, SDS, hazard info etc. All this information is used throughout the system, to improve user experience and automate as many processes as possible, for example by providing chemical information for safer storage, for risk assessments/COSHH forms, or in providing live emergency information for fire crews.
Boost your productivity.
Start using our app today.
Elevate your inventory management efficiency with our powerful app. Streamline operations, reduce errors, and maximize your productivity.
Chemical Inventory Features
A better way to work together
The purpose of our features is to enhance user experience by reducing administrative tasks, increasing chemical safety, and processing and displaying inventory data in alignment with user objectives.
Easy-to-use tool to quickly check and correct the inventory list with
- -Responsible person notification
- -Using a scanner (barcode, QR code, RFID etc.) or type in manually
- -Storage location selection
- -Frequency settings
- -Suspend/continue possibility
- -Report generation
Search items by chemical structure, including substructure and chirality search options. Use or built-in molecule editor (JSME) or integrated MarvinJS. Other integrations are also possible.
Smart tool to help in registering commercial or lab-made mixtures and solutions.
Calculate the total quantity or concentration of a component in a mixture:
- -Select components from compound list or from your own inventory
- -Concentration, mass, volume and mole values will be calculated automatically
- -SI, Imperial and US unit handling
Share your inventory list on a controlled way with only the selected:
- -groups, departments
- -people
- -access roles
Dynamic sharing is available (no need to add new people each time).
Receive chemicals in a centralized and organized manner:
- -Manage arriving packages and chemicals; register and label them centrally
- -List items under a purchase order (PO) number - accounting integration required
- -Notify users with the use of editable email templates
List suitable personal protective equipments (PPEs) to chemical products/items:
- -Define normal-, and emergency use PPEs
- -Add weblink for internal or external PPE database
- -Search for and show PPE pictograms on datasheet or in the result table
Risk assessment forms are directly available from chemical data sheets.
Please see our Please see our risk assessment module for further information.risk assessment module for further information.
- -EUH codes
- -Wassergefährdungsklassen (WGK)
- -Internationale Fire Code (IFC)
- -NFPA diamonds
From simple barcode to a GHS compatible label templates can be prepared and shared on user level or centrally. Fields additional to the standard include:
- -Direct link to SDS file
- -Controlled substance red-flag
- -CMR substance
- -PPE information
- -custom picture/logo
Easy access to chemical information in emergency.
Please see our Please see our emergency page and digital floorplan module for further information.emergency page and digital floorplan module for further information.
In depth data access and control on data structure.
Please see our Please see our master database management module for further information.master database management module for further information.
Changes made to any inventory item are shown at the end of the items data sheet, including:
- -Date and time of the change
- -What changed to what
- -Who changed it
This is available to all and also exportable
Lower level, searchable audit log is available as an additional feature.
With this module you gain access to the "marked for disposal" and expired items' list centrally, all categorised.
Please see our Please see our waste management module for further information.waste managementwaste management module for further information.
Current data in excel spreadsheets or csv can be imported into LabCup, including:
- -Commercial chemicals and samples
- -Consumables
- -Storage locations
- -Compound, product, item, LOT data
Data enrichment also works during data import, so you get a lot of data filled in automatically even during import, e.g. chemical structure, synonims etc.
Custom data import from other databases and software solutions: please Please see visit our contact page for custom data import inquiries.contact uscontact us!
All data is the property of the user, and can be exported from the system at any time, including all chemical data, hazard information etc
This might be restricted by your institution.
- -Always at hand in the software
In the lab – simple chemical management
In the lab – simple chemical management
In the lab, the key is to simply be able to find your chemicals instantly – and then LabCup automates everything else!
All chemical data is shown with minimal clicks by the system and is always available.
Chemicals and chemical data are easily shared between groups and across the campus, cutting costs and creating a more sustainable environment.

SDS management, sourcing and updates
For many suppliers, LabCup automatically sources, downloads, and stores the SDS when the user adds a chemical.
LabCup pulls in all the information from the SDS, for use throughout the system.
SDS are kept up to date, and modifications to chemicals are recorded on the system when updated SDS are made available.
Each institution has their own large store of SDS, which are shared across that institution (no external sharing)

Safety first!
Safety Officer, compliance reporting, and campus oversight
The “Safety Officer” account gives the responsible person(s) complete oversight of the building, department, or entire campus. It allows them to search by any parameter, and map hazards on digital floorplans
- Instantly generate compliance reports
LabCup has multiple regulatory reports built into the system:
- -Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC)
- -Drugs Precursors
- -Chemicals of Interest
- -CMR substances
- -Peroxide forming chemicals
- -Custom reports, etc.
These are generated instantly across the choosen scope for any time period, in the required format.
- Digital floor plans of hazard locations
In times of emergency, LabCup provides emergency response teams with vital information before they even arrive on campus. Digital floorplans can also be used to give a visual of locations of hazards. Set you own warning levels! For auditing purposes custom thresholds can be set per chemical type, total quantity or quantity per area for each type.
- Location of Spill kits & other emergency equipment
Locations of emergency equipment are marked on floor plans, allowing items to be found as quickly as possible in times of emergency